Work and Travel Alaska: Horse Wagon Guide - Practical Info
We couldn’t imagine a more cool summer job in Alaska. Working with horses in the middle of absolutely pristine nature and daily conversation with English native-speakers as a bonus. We ...
Alaska: The land of extremes and untouched nature
Alaska: The land of extremes and untouched nature. Here you can read some of the more interesting facts about this unique place as Alaska is. When we were deciding where ...
World Eskimo-Indian Olympics: Seal skinning and other crazy games!
World Eskimo Olympics held in Fairbanks, Alaska is absolutely stunning! Seal skinning, miss Eskimo, high kick, ear pulling and other crazy disciplines! We found out about the World Eskimo Olympics ...
Alaska Railroad: Train Ride From Denali to Anchorage
Personal experience of Alaska Railroad train ride from Denali to Anchorage. Imagine an untouched nature, wilderness miles away from the civilization, just mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes and beautiful autumn colors. ...